Holy shit X Ambassadors




I know I’m so so ashamed. Because:

a)I’m taking so long to revisit this.

b) I discovered X Ambassadors a little over 6 months ago along with Jamie Commons. And coincidentally found Ray Donovan through it although it was the other way around for most people.

They have an insane bunch of songs. Actually, every song is pretty awesome. But here’s a few that I absolutely love! Sam Harris has one of the purest voices I’ve EVER heard.

There’s a version with A$ap Ferg. It’s not bad, but I’d avoid it if I were you.




They’re geniuses or what?!

Rumble and Sway by Jamie N commons

I’ve been away for so long. You know, life happens. Laziness. Procrastination. The usual drill.

So it’s a known fact… or at least to me, that Levi’s commercials have the best soundtracks. And this is just one of those. I would totally see this guy on tour.

Jamie N Commons a 27 year old blues musician with this sexy tune is one of those songs Ive been hacking on daily basis.